
Is Skin Lightening Treatment Really Effective?

Skin lightening or skin whitening is a cosmetic treatment which is used to brighten the dark areas on the skin or to remove tanning or decrease the melanin secretion within the skin. A lot of people also use the skin lightening or whitening treatment to remove birth marks or stretch marks  or dark marks from the skin. 

In simple words, skin whitening or lightening treatment reduces the amount of melanin present inside the skin which is one of the prime reasons why some people have fair skin while others have a dark complexion. People who have melanin deficiency have a fairer skin complexion when compared to the ones who have a darker complexion. 

In addition to that, if you are looking for the best skin care treatment in Mogappair Chennai as they offer wide-range of treatments starting from skin whitening to tan removal and natural therapy to keep your skin in top shape. 

On the other hand, if you have doubts on the potential of skin lightening treatment then you have landed at the right place as we will be helping you in understanding the significance of skin lightening treatment and whether it is really effective. 

But before we get started with the content it is quite important for you to understand the fact that it is impossible to change your natural skin tone but you can modify your skin’s complexion to a great extent to ensure that you can remove tan, dark spots, and acne-pigmentation. 

So, here we go!

Skin care treatment with creams

Without a prescription, several alternative skin-lightening creams can be purchased online, in stores, or at pharmacies. 

Before purchasing any product, make sure to read the ingredients. If it contains hydroquinone, corticosteroids, mercury, or if the product doesn't specify its contents, stay away from it.

It is illegal to use creams that include hydroquinone, corticosteroids, or mercury unless a doctor has prescribed them. Improper use of these products might result in dangerous negative effects.

There are also a lot of natural component skin lightening lotions available. There is no assurance that these will work, but they are legal and unlikely to be hazardous. So, don’t commit the mistake if you don’t have the guts to play with your skin.

Is Laser therapy the best way to remove melanin deposits from skin?

As mentioned above, there are various ways to remove tan or melanin deposits from your skin but one of the best ways to remove melanin deposits is with laser therapy. In laser therapy a pulse of light is used to remote the melanin deposits or dark spots on the skin. Here are some of the common types of skin treatments with laser therapy.

Ablative lasers:

The ablative laser removes the outer skin layers and it is also commonly used for severe discoloration of the skin.

Nonablative lasers:

If you are looking for gentle ways of treating dark spots in your skin then you can go ahead with non ablative laser therapy. One of the best advantages of this treatment is it promotes collagen growth which further contributes in reducing the dark spots from the skin and also significantly reduces melanin production which makes skin fairer.

Apart from ablative lasers and nonablative lasers one can also focus on other ways of laser treatment like Q switched laser treatment as it can further help in improving your skin tone and can also positively contribute to make your skin fairer and improve your confidence.

At the same time, there are also various side effects of laser treatment which can lead to skin discoloration, scarring, infection, and other problems which can make things more severe. You should also immediately go to a skin care specialist if you have any side effects or skin problems.

What are the best ways to keep your skin fairer for a longer period of time?

There are various ways to make your skin fairer but you should also follow a continuous skin routine to ensure that you can maintain a fresh and hydrated skin. You will need to follow a strong daily skin care routine.

Here’s what you will need to do to maintain a shiny, bright, and beautiful skin effectively.

Follow a Good Skincare Routine: Create a good skincare routine and make sure to stick to it. You must recognize the items that are best for your skin type in order to keep a healthy complexion. To achieve flawless skin, do the four-step procedure.

Cleaning: Start by removing all of the filth, dust, and makeup with a face cleanser. Every day in the morning and the evening, repeat this procedure twice.

Utilize a high-quality moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. If you have oily skin, be careful to use moisturizers with a water base.

Exfoliating: To thoroughly clean the pores, gently scrub once or twice a week. There are various exfoliating scrubs available in the market and it is highly recommended to shop one that has walnut extracts.

You should also apply a SPF 50 sunscreen when you are exposing your skin to the scorching sun and also focus on following a healthy diet to ensure that you can make the most of your skin.