Micro Pigmentation at Radiance Elite

Micro Pigmentation is a non-surgical and permanent hair loss solution that gives patients instant results. Creating a natural illusion of denser hair at a shaven head level, Micro Pigmentation is a very attractive solution for both men and women of all age group. From your initial comprehensive consultation, using our unique methodology, that promotes patient safety, throughout the treatment itself and aftercare service, our patients receive the very best care and results through solutions tailored to their individual hair loss history and lifestyle needs.

Micro Pigmentation is an alternative option for both men and suffering from hair loss who are not appropriate candidates for hair transplant surgery or who do not want it. This method of treatment involves the use of a digitally controlled needle which applies medical grade hypoallergenic colour pigment into the scalp. Micro Pigmentation gives the patient instant results, allowing for a natural illusion of denser hair in the treated area.

Scalp Micro Pigmentation

Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a unique and Highly Advanced Method of Cosmetic Pigmentation and a complete solution for Baldness. Micro pigmentation is a cosmetic procedure that uses precise micro-needles to pigment on the dermal layer of the scalp. The result is the appearance of a tiny hair-like makeover which gives you an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Result of Scalp Micro Pigmentation

Eyebrow Tattoo

An Eyebrow Tattoo is a sophisticated method of creating realistic, natural and permanent micro pigmentation to enhance the eyebrows. Our skilled specialists recreate the perfect shape and texture of the eyebrows which is a iconic treatment to enhance your facial appearance.

Result of Eyebrow Tattoo